Posts tagged with ‘Gospel’

3 Items

Continually Washed by the Gospel

by admin

Right after you were born, the blood and vernix on your body was washed off by a nurse or even your mom or dad. Have you taken a bath or shower since the day you were born? Of course you have. Our bodies continually become dirtied, requiring new cleansing. It is the same way with […]

What Is the Gospel?

by admin

What Is the Gospel? FROM R.C. Sproul Oct 26, 2015 Category: Articles There is no greater message to be heard than that which we call the gospel. But as important as that is, it is often given to massive distortions or over simplifications. People think they’re preaching the gospel to you when they tell you, ‘you […]

Thought for the Day

by admin

Preaching the Gospel is not simply a matter of  conveying information. When the Word is truly preached and received, it enters the soul through hearing with hope and promise,  challenge and absolution, blessing and solace.  –Marguerite Shuster