Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. Romans 12:10
With Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Fathers Day all within a month of each other, it is easy to forget to show honor to more than just a few people, a few times a year. As we go about in our daily lives we are surrounded by people who dishonor each other. We can see it on the T.V. or hear it on the radio, one can witness it at the checklout line in the local grocery store.
So how should we respond, as the church and as a people that have been separated, for His service Deuteronomy 7:6 ? Should our response look and sound like everyone else, or should it be not only backed up by love somewhere in the distance, or rather with love in front of, within, and after our response?
To show love should not be a hard thing, for a people that have already experienced a great outpouring of His love in our lives Titus 3:6 . Then let us take that outpouring and begin to pour it out on others so that they can then begin to experience that same love. Let us honor them — let us love them. Because He First Loved us. 1 John 4:19
Pastor Tim Campbell