About 2 months ago, the Elders met and were talking abut the departure of Pastor Marty and how much we would miss him and his wonderful service to our church. We talked about offering a mid-week time, to open the church and offer a time for prayer and praise and decided to try it. In the absence of a regular minister, we thought this was an opportunity for the Elders to expand their role and just be there for the congregation. It might also be expanded to serve the community.
We held our first Prayer Service on July 23rd from 7 to 8 pm. We had 5 participants, but those 5 will tell what a meaningful experience it was, including myself. We had Pastor Chris Schilling with us and that meant a lot. There was some singing, a time for group prayer concerns and praises, and time for private prayers. If a person wanted an Elder to pray for them or with them, that was available.
We will offer our next Prayer service on Wednesday, August 27, 7-8 pm. Please come and join us if you feel you can. We will be there for all of you.
In Christ, Gina Artz, Chair of Elders