Vacation Bible School
You’re invited to Vacation Bible School! Rolling River Rampage Experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God! August 13-17, 2018 6-8:15 pm Ages 3-12 Every night there will be interactive Bible stories, songs, a craft station and recreational activities as well as fun snacks! Be sure to bring a friend. Fill out the […]
Diaper Drive
Vacation Bible School Is Coming!
Dates are August 14-18, time is from 6-8:15 pm We will have a Pep Rally on Sunday afternoon on August 13th to finish up any preparations and pray for God’s guidance. Our theme will be Galactic Hero Central, Find You Strength in God. We will need many volunteers to be able to provide an exciting, […]
A New Horizon
2017 is a new horizon. It will bring many surprises. Some will be filled with joy, and some will take us to our knees. Some surprises come from things we put into action, and some just seem to come out of nowhere. Regardless, we face 2017 with great anticipation and determination. Our journeys most often […]
Fall Congregational Meeting
The Fall Congregational meeting was held November 13th. The budget for 2017 as well as the nominating committee slate of offices was discussed and approved. Business Items: Report from the nominating committee. Election of new board members by ballot. Led by Christine Hodgkiss Report from Stewardship Committee and presentation of the proposed budget for […]
Thanksgiving Celebration
Congregational Family Dinner Sunday, November 20th after the worship service. Turkey & Gravy will be provided by the Membership Department. All sides & desserts will be provided by the congregation potluck style. ********************************************** Please bring something to share with our neighbors in our food pantry out of the great abundance of the Lord!!!
The Lord is with Us
Consecration Sunday
Sunday, October 16 will be our congregation’s Consecration Sunday. This is an important time in the life of the church when each member examines God’s great blessing in their lives. I urge you to plan to attend the two important events that day: Sunday morning worship and a Celebration Luncheon immediately following worship. A special […]