Farewell from the Pastor
Acts 21:12-14: When we heard this, we and the local believers urged Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. Paul replied, “Why are you doing this? Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I’m ready not only to be arrested but even to die in Jerusalem for the sake of the name of the Lord Jesus.” Since we couldn’t talk him out of it, the only thing we could say was “The Lord’s will be done.” As I write I suddenly realize this is the last newsletter article I will write as your pastor. Life is full of last things and first things; I still remember writing my first newsletter for the church, when I was preaching for only a few weeks here. Amazing how quickly times goes by now in this season of life.
Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem, even though his friends warned him, and even prophesied that he would be arrested. Paul was ready, not only to be arrested but to die for the sake of Jesus. The only thing they could do was say, “The Lord’s will be done.” I laughingly remember these verses as we move on. The good thing is that there is not a lynch mob waiting for us at Cedar Road; there is yet another loving congregation waiting to greet us and accept us. Thanks be to God! THANK YOU for four wonderful years, and all the testimonies along the way. I will remind you: I will not be your pastor after August 12th, but I will ALWAYS be your friend. Esther and I love you more than you could possibly know. God bless you Park View Christian Church,
Pastor Tim Campbell