ThanksI have been asked a few times over the years “why does God need our Praise”, I believe that is a false question. This is why:

God is completely self-sufficient and doesn’t “need” our praise and worship. However, He does deserve it. Would you agree that it is right and good to praise someone who is worthy of praise? We instinctively know this and praise people for all sorts of achievements. We praise the people we love and admire, and it’s not right or good for us to withhold praise from them.

So, then, since we serve a God that has not only “Achieved feats of greatness”, the creation alone is worthy of our praises. However, He did not stop with a great achievement, He went on to pour Himself out on the Cross, “who”, as Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:6 “gave Himself as a ransom for all people”. This act of love should in fact, stir us to praise Him.

It has never been because God needs our praises, the reality is, we need to praise Him. We need to give Him the praise He deserves, to show our gratitude towards a good God, who loved us before we ever loved Him. So through this Thanksgiving season, let us not just lay aside a day to give Him praise, let us develop a lifestyle of praise. Worthy of the God we serve.


God Bless you Park View Christian Church,

Pastor Tim Campbell