Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.
The foundation of what we do as Christian believers and the church is our Faith in God. A simple working definition of Faith is; having trust in God, of who He is, and believing what He said He would do will happen. We need to learn to trust in God, not with just the little things, not only the things that make us feel comfortable, rather, in all things. He is big enough to handle the situations, the promises and even our Hearts. If only we allow him to do so.
With faith comes His understanding; too many times we look at a situation in the natural way of looking at things and we say, “There is no way”. At what point in the Bible did God begin placing limitations on what He can do or who He is? We need to begin to develop this type of thinking, as the Bible says; With God all things are possible. Not based on my abilities, if it was so then I would come short every time. Not with my strength, my strength will fail. It is not our natural abilities, rather His supernatural abilities.
We need not to touch His praise, the Bible is clear; He does not share His glory with another. I am amazed how we overcome situations in our lives so many times that we forget to give Him the praises God deserves. We need to learn how to Praise God better, not just for a few things but also in everything give Him praise.
As we do all that, He will lead us. I know for myself I would rather have His leading, than my best plans. If He is truly the author and finisher of my faith, then I want Him to be in control of the pencil, not me. Church, let us begin incorporating this scripture into our daily lives, allowing Him to work in us and through us. Amen.
Pastor Tim Campbell