Of all the seasons, fall is by far my favorite. There’s a distinct feel about it, an undeniable aura that surrounds it. Of course being a big football fan I always look forward to the beginning of the season when all our teams are as yet undefeated and the hope looms of winning the “Lombardi” trophy. Fall also though is, at least for me, a season of reflection. A time to think abut what and where and why and even more importantly what next. Maybe it is all the changes that seem to occur in fall around me – the cooler days; the leaves blooming and then falling; the animals preparing for winter; or all of that “winterizing” that we do around our homes and in our care – that gets me to thinking. As we move from summer to fall let’s enjoy and embrace this transition as God graciously moves throughout our lives. How will God meet us along our journey in maintaining some traditions as well as experiencing some new ones? Perhaps Humbert Wolfe said it best when he said “Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evening, now for fall eves!”
Please be sure to take note of the variety of activities we have coming up from the Disciples Women’s Bazaar on October 5th to the September through December Pizza Movie Nights to special Sunday services from World Communion Sunday to Heritage Sunday to All Saint’s Sunday to Veteran’s Day Sunday to Thanksgiving Sunday.
May the winds of the Holy Spirit flow through your life and ours here at Park View Christian Church.
Grateful always to be in service to you.
Blessings, Reverend Marty